We are delighted to report that we currently have Lugger Falcon chicks! This is a first for Cotswold Falconry and if they succesfully fledge, will be our 48th species of bird of prey to be bred here.

Lugger falcon populations have severely declined in the last 30 years, mainly due to an increase in human populations encroaching on their habitat. Persecution, illegal trapping and the decline in their prey species has also had a dramatic effect on their numbers. We have been involved with Project Lugger, a charitable organisation whose main aims are to develop a healthy captive population with the hope to restore the numbers of wild Lugger Falcons. Our male (Maverick) was donated by Project Lugger, has been paired up with Indy, our female last year. The first chick hatched on 6th April, with chick number two following shortly after, on 9th April. Mum and Dad seem to be doing a great job rearing the chicks and can be seen tending to them on our CCTV.